Pastor Allan Asir
Sister Joeann Asir
Warm Greetings,
​On behalf of The Potters Fellowship Church, we would like to welcome you to our website. Within these pages, you will come across information on the various ministries and activities of the church. You will also find testimonies of the wonderful work that Jesus has done in the many lives that have come through our doors. We remain steadfast to our core value of world evangelism by making disciples and equipping couples to spread the Good News of the Gospel.
My wife Joeann and I gave our lives to Jesus in August of 1997 and were led to this church in December of the same year. We were immediately captivated by the vision of evangelism, discipleship and church planting and as disciples were eager and hungry for God to use our lives. After 8 years of discipleship training and gaining experience serving in various ministries, we were officially entrusted to shepherd the church in 2005. By the grace and provision of God, we have seen much growth and have witnessed many miracles which testify to the awesome power of God. We have had the privilege of seeing God working in many lost and broken souls. Marriages were restored, diseases healed and people were set free from addictions and bondages.
It is our hope and prayer that you experience the tangible love and presence of God. It will definitely change your life just as it has changed ours and the lives of many others. God indeed abounds in love and mercy. Thank you for visiting us.
God Bless,
Allan Asir
Pastor, the Potter's Fellowship Church, Malaysia.
About Us
The Christian Fellowship Churches
Are a Christian Pentecostal church organization founded by Pastor Wayman Mitchell in Prescott, Arizona in 1970. The official organization title is Christian Fellowship Ministries or CFM. The Fellowship Churches consists of members who identify themselves as being born again Christians. The fellowship has an evangelistic focus involving open-air preaching, personal witnessing, door to door outreach, rock/rap concerts, Christian movies, skits and dramas. These events are used to evangelize to non-Christians or un-churched people.
CFM is a Pentecostal bible-based fellowship of 2,500 churches in 120 nations and a membership of over 100,000 throughout the world. The first CFM church in Malaysia was established in Petaling Jaya, in 1988 by Pastor Joseph Campbell and since that time have launched ministry couples to establish churches in other cities in Malaysia and Cambodia. The name of the church is a reference from the bible to chapter 18 of the book of Jeremiah, verses 1-3.
The Indigenous Church
God is returning the church to the dignity of its foundations. There is no need for the giant organizations and denominations that litter the spiritual landscape. What is needed are churches that will go back to their spiritual roots - the Bible. There we find that each church was a launching pad to win the world - supporting itself, disciplining, training, equipping and releasing workers into the world.
Many think of the church as a dead institution or a meaningless relic, years behind the times. We believe the church is the Bride of Christ, the depository of God's glory and the pillar and ground of truth. It is the most vital institution on Planet Earth. History revolves around the visible body of Christ. Jesus is showing us the keys to releasing His Church.
Jesus has never rescinded the command, "Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel." The fulfilment of this command brings great spiritual health. The power of the Holy Spirit is brought to bear in order to accomplish the command, and joy is released in those who obey. While many churches only talk about winning the lost, our primary goal is to lead men and women to Jesus. The churches of the Fellowship put the frills of modern Christianity second to the needs of the hour. The result of obedience to this command is that God is glorified and honours His word through signs, wonders and manifestations of the gifts.
Maturity Through A Lifestyle
Jesus looked for those who were dedicated to following Him. In two thousand years, the seriousness of the church towards being disciples has deteriorated. It is our goal as a church not just to learn but to live the truths of scripture. We live in the last days, and this is an hour where the most exciting challenges in life is to be a disciple of Jesus. The members of our churches are not satisfied to be "hearers only" but desire to be "doers of the word of God." They come faithfully, give joyously, worship fervently and witness loyally. They have found Jesus Christ to be "the same yesterday, today and forever."
Each church in the New Testament copied Jesus' method of calling those whom God had chosen and trained them through example and release. The book of Acts demonstrates the powerful impact that is possible to those who take Jesus' command and pattern seriously. Our vision is the restoration of the Bible pattern of church growth. In the past few years, hundreds of churches have been started by this method. In each of the Fellowship churches, there is a fulfilment of Christ's command to make disciples.
This means that we believe that the church needs to be released. We believe in the functioning of the nine gifts of the Spirit and challenge the members of the church to find the full expression and release of their lives in whatever form God wills.
Daily prayer is a normal part of our churches. This is the way of battle for the Christian. Robbed of prayer, the church is robbed of power, direction and divine presence. We know that the kingdom is built by God's power, not man's. That is why we place emphasis on touching and releasing God.
The bible is the guidebook of the Christian life, and preaching is God's method of bringing it to the hearts of God's people. We believe that honest, direct and anointed preaching has always been used by God to shake the nations. In an age of low commitment, many seek to hear a watered-down message, but it is our firm belief that God is raising up a people hungry for the meat of the word. That is why our order of worship is centered around the preaching of the gospel.
We believe that the family is the first foundation of God's established order and the cornerstone of God's government. The family is being torn apart as each member seeks to find his or her fulfillment in a thousand different directions. It is our believe that a real church, with a variety of programs and a full schedule is a tremendous unifier of the family and the only foundation of a real move of God.
While having a full program to reach and minister to children, we feel that the key to the family is the parents. The bible emphasizes adults and their commitment to God. If the parents are disciples of Jesus, the children will be also.
We invite you to join with us in worship, praise, fellowship, and the preaching of the word. Though some of the ways we worship may seem different than those you were raised with, we challenge you to look to the bible and see God's guide for worship. These are the days of God's moving - days of restoration as Jesus prepares to come back for His people. We invite you to join us in preparing for His return and pray that He might say to you, "Welcome into my kingdom thou good and faithful servant".